The youth centre is for Secondary School aged young people in school years yr7, yr8, yr9, yr10, yr11, yr12, yr13.

No swearing, bullying, teasing or play fighting.

No excessive shouting or screaming.

All sessions (including outside) are alcohol, smoking (including vaping etc.) and drugs free zones, anyone obviously ‘under the influence’ will not be allowed in. 

Take care of the buildings and facilities. 

Respect others which includes other members, the volunteers, the Eden’s staff and the general public in the nearby streets. 

No re-admission

No snogging, etc.


If the young people have any problems, there are always members of staff on hand to help, advise or point them in the right direction. Our staff can be easily recognised by their blue staff lanyards.

If your child leaves early or is asked to leave for bad behaviour they are no longer the responsibility of Eden’s Project. We are also not responsible for your young person if they choose to leave the youth centre premises.


When you drop your young person off at the youth centre please ensure
that you wait to make sure they can enter as we sometimes reach our legal limit
and have to turn young people away. If your young person is making their own way to the youth centre please ensure you have made safe alternative arrangements for them if the youth centre is full and they can’t get in.